Microsoft Azure: Software Defined Networking
This week I attended an event at Microsoft. I thought it was a networking event where I would get the chance to talk to people, meet them and network. Boy was I wrong. It was not that kind of networking.
The networking they were referring to was the computer kind of networking. the kind where you link up servers and connect them together.
The kind where a whole room is filled up with computers that look like giant boxes.

Azure offers a kind of virtual network, and they manage the network for you. To me, it sounded something like a cloud. To be honest, although I did study IT in college, networking was not my forte. I just never found it to be interesting.

This is an image I got from Google. They were talking about loading stuff onto the server, and there were a lot of terminologies thrown around.
I think I’m going to stick to code, because that’s what I enjoy doing.

At least I went to the event though and tried it.
I seemed like they were trying to get people to buy and use their services at the event. The team from Microsoft presenting seemed focused on explaining how Azure works and why it’s better than older infrastructure.
Do I have any idea what they were talking about? Sort of, not really. I tried to follow along to the best of my abilities but it seemed that a lot of people there were in IT and looking to see how their companies should adopt Azure. And also whether or not they should even adopt it. It was a lot of talking about how Azure was more reliable than older networking tactics.
I will go back to another Microsoft event though, because they did say that they talk about different topics all the time to get people to go.
That’s all for now! Till next time, buds!