Doubly Linked List — Full Javascript Implementation

Lawson Hung
10 min readApr 10, 2020

A week or two ago, I started implementing a doubly linked list from scratch. As good as it was, it was only half implemented. I fully implemented it now. Credits go to this tutorial that I coded along to.

This is my node class.

// A Node has a value, a pointer to the previous node (= prev), a pointer to the next node (= next)export class Node{// Syntax: new Node(value);constructor(value){// this refers to the current instance of Node// Used like: node1.value, node1.prev, node1.nextthis.value = value;// Initialize this.prev and as nullthis.prev = null; = null;}}

As I mentioned last week, I wanted to use modules in ES6 syntax, since I am a React developer. Thus, my closest parent package.json needs to have this:

{  "type": "module"}

And to run it in the command prompt or terminal, I need to add this flag to node:

$ node --experimental-modules DoublyLinkedList.js

And get ready for it, the code!

// Source: { Node } from './Node.js';// In terminal, run with// $ node --experimental-modules DoublyLinkedList.js// This allows you to import modules in ES6 format/syntax// Looks for the closest parent `package.json` file// Make sure the closest package.json file contains the key-value pair:/*** {*   "type": "module"* }*/// Can be anywhere in the package.json file// A Node has a value, a pointer to the previous node (= prev), a pointer to the next node (= next)// class Node{//   constructor(value){//     // this refers to the current instance of Node//     // Used like: node1.value, node1.prev,     this.value = value;//     this.prev = null;// = null;//   }// }// A Doubly Linked List has a length, a beginning (= head), an end (= tail)class DoublyLinkedList{constructor(){this.length = 0;this.head = null;this.tail = null;}/*** Add node to end* Return newly added node* @return {Node}*/push(value){// Create a new nodeconst newNode = new Node(value);// If the list is empty, the new node should become the head and tailif(!this.length){this.head = newNode;this.tail = newNode;} else {// The current tail should point forward (= next) to the new = newNode;// The new node should point back (= prev) to the current tailnewNode.prev = this.tail;// The new node should become the new tailthis.tail = newNode;}// Increment length by 1this.length++;// Return new nodereturn newNode;}/*** Remove node from end* Return removed node* @return {Node}*/pop(){// No node in the list so it's empty, therefore return null// this.length = false if empty, so !this.length returns trueif(!this.length){return null;} else {// Save current tail to return to laterconst nodeToRemove = this.tail;if(this.length === 1){// After removing the only node, there will be no head and tailthis.head = null;this.tail = null;} else {// Set the node before the current tail as the new tailthis.tail = this.tail.prev;// Remove the connection from the new tail to the old tail, after reassigning the new = null;// Remove the connection from the old tail to the next tailnodeToRemove.prev = null;}// Decrement length by 1this.length--;// Return old tailreturn nodeToRemove;}}/*** Add node to beginning* Return newly added Node* @returns {Node}*/unshift(value){// Create a new nodeconst newNode = new Node(value);// If list is empty, set head and tail to new node// this.length = 0 = false when empty, so !this.length would return true when emptyif (!this.length) {this.head = newNode;this.tail = newNode;} else {// Set new node's next to current = this.head;// Set the current head's prev to new nodethis.head.prev = newNode;// Set list's head to new nodethis.head = newNode;}// Increment length by 1this.length++;// return new nodereturn newNode;}/*** Remove Node from beginning* Return removed node* @return {Node}*/shift(){// If the list is empty, return null. We can't remove data from an empty list// this.length = 0 = false if empty, so !this.length returns trueif (!this.length) {return null;}// Set head as nodeToRemoveconst nodeToRemove = this.head;// After removing the only element, the list will be empty, so head and tail will be nullif (this.length === 1) {this.head = null;this.tail = null;} else {// The node after nodeToRemove becomes the new headthis.head =;// Remove both connections from the new head and the old head (nodeToRemove)this.head.prev = null; = null;}// Decrement length by 1this.length--;// Return nodeToRemovereturn nodeToRemove;}/*** Get node by index* @return {Node}*/get(index) {// If list is empty, or index is less than 0, or index is greater than or equal to list length, return nullif (!this.length || index < 0 || index >= this.length) {return null;} else {let currentNode;// If the desired node is in the bottom of the listif (index < this.length / 2) {// Add counter, starting from 0 and count upwards in the looplet counter = 0;// Start from head nodecurrentNode = this.head;// Go to the next node until we find the desired nodewhile (counter < index) {currentNode =;counter++;}} else {// Add counter, starting from the top and counting downwards in the looplet counter = this.length - 1;// Start from the tail nodecurrentNode = this.tail;// Go the the previous node until we find the desired nodewhile (counter > index) {currentNode = currentNode.prev;counter--;}}// Return nodereturn currentNode;}}set(index, value) {// Find the node to changeconst nodeToChange = this.get(index);// If the node existsif (nodeToChange) {// Update the value of the nodenodeToChange.value = value;// Return the updated nodereturn nodeToChange;} else {// If we can't find the node: return nullreturn null;}}/*** Implementing splice, inserting a node at a given index* @return {Node}*/insert(index, value){// If index is less than 0 or if index is greater than the list's length, return nullif (index < 0 || index > this.length){return null;// If index equals 0, use this.unshift(value)} else if (index === 0){return this.unshift(value);// If index equals length, use this.push(value)} else if (index === this.length){return this.push(value);} else {// Create a new nodeconst nodeToInsert = new Node(value);// Find the node that is currently before the desired place and connect it to the new nodeconst prev = this.get(index - 1);nodeToInsert.prev = prev; = nodeToInsert;// Find the node that is currently at the desired place and connect it to he new nodeconst next = this.get(index);next.prev = nodeToInsert; = next;// Increment the list's length by 1this.length++;// Return the new nodereturn nodeToInsert;}}/*** Removes a node at index* @return {Node}*/remove(index){// If list is empty, index is less than 0, greater than or equal to the list's length, return nullif (!this.length || index < 0 || index >= this.length){return null;// If index equals 0, we want to remove the first node with shift()} else if (index === 0){return this.shift();// If we want to remove the last node, use pop()} else if (index === this.length - 1){return this.pop();} else {// Get the node we want to remove, the node before it and the node after itconst nodeToRemove = this.get(index);const prevNode = this.get(index - 1);const nextNode = this.get(index + 1);// Remove the connections from the node to other = null;nodeToRemove.prev = null;// Update the connections from the node before the node to = nextNode;// Update the connections from the node after the node to removenextNode.prev = prevNode;// Decrement length by 1this.length--;// Return nodereturn nodeToRemove;}}}/////////////////////// Testing initializing new Nodeconsole.log("Testing creating new Node");const newNode = new Node(1);console.log("newNode: ", newNode);// Node { value: 1, prev: null, next: null }console.log("newNode.value: ", newNode.value);// 1console.log("newNode.prev: ", newNode.prev);// nullconsole.log(" ",;// null////////////////// Testing DoublyLinkedList.push()console.log("-------------------------------------------");console.log("Testing push");// Empty listconst pushDLL = new DoublyLinkedList();console.log("pushDLL: ", pushDLL);// pushDLL:  DoublyLinkedList { length: 0, head: null, tail: null }// Push first new nodeconst newNode1 = pushDLL.push("new node 1");console.log("Pushing new node and returning newly pushed node: ", newNode1);// Node { value: 'new node 1', prev: null, next: null }console.log("pushDLL after pushing newNode1: ", pushDLL);// DoublyLinkedList {//   length: 1,//   head: Node { value: 'new node 1', prev: null, next: null },//   tail: Node { value: 'new node 1', prev: null, next: null }// }// Push second new nodeconst newNode2 = pushDLL.push("new node 2");console.log("Pushing new node and returning newly pushed node: ", newNode2);// Node {//   value: 'new node 2',//   prev: Node { value: 'new node 1', prev: null, next: [Circular] },//   next: null// }console.log("pushDLL after pushing newNode2: ", pushDLL);// DoublyLinkedList {//   length: 2,//   head: Node {//     value: 'new node 1',//     prev: null,//     next: Node { value: 'new node 2', prev: [Circular], next: null }//   },//   tail: Node {//     value: 'new node 2',//     prev: Node { value: 'new node 1', prev: null, next: [Circular] },//     next: null//   }// }///////////////////// Testing DoublyLinkedList.pop()console.log("---------------------------------------");console.log("Testing pop()");const popDLL = new DoublyLinkedList();popDLL.push("A");popDLL.push("B");popDLL.push("C");console.log("popDLL after pushing: ", popDLL);// DoublyLinkedList {//   length: 3,//   head: Node {//     value: 'A',//     prev: null,//     next: Node { value: 'B', prev: [Circular], next: [Node] }//   },//   tail: Node {//     value: 'C',//     prev: Node { value: 'B', prev: [Node], next: [Circular] },//     next: null//   }// }console.log("This node is being popped out: ", popDLL.pop());// Node { value: 'C', prev: null, next: null }console.log("popDLL after popping: ", popDLL);// DoublyLinkedList {//   length: 2,//   head: Node {//     value: 'A',//     prev: null,//     next: Node { value: 'B', prev: [Circular], next: null }//   },//   tail: Node {//     value: 'B',//     prev: Node { value: 'A', prev: null, next: [Circular] },//     next: null//   }// }//////////////////////// Testing DoublyLinkedList.unshift()console.log("------------------------------------------------");console.log("Testing unshift()");const unshiftDLL = new DoublyLinkedList();unshiftDLL.push("A");console.log("unshiftDLL after pushing: ", unshiftDLL);// DoublyLinkedList {//   length: 1,//   head: Node { value: 'A', prev: null, next: null },//   tail: Node { value: 'A', prev: null, next: null }// }console.log("Unshifting unshiftDLL: ", unshiftDLL.unshift("0"));// Node {//   value: '0',//   prev: null,//   next: Node { value: 'A', prev: [Circular], next: null }// }///////////////////////////// Testing DoublyLinkedList.shift()console.log("------------------------------------------------");console.log("Testing shift()");const shiftDLL = new DoublyLinkedList();shiftDLL.push("A");shiftDLL.push("B");console.log("shiftDLL after pushing: ", shiftDLL);// DoublyLinkedList {//   length: 2,//   head: Node {//     value: 'A',//     prev: null,//     next: Node { value: 'B', prev: [Circular], next: null }//   },//   tail: Node {//     value: 'B',//     prev: Node { value: 'A', prev: null, next: [Circular] },//     next: null//   }// }console.log("Removed node from shifting shiftDLL: ", shiftDLL.shift());// Node { value: 'A', prev: null, next: null }console.log("shiftDLL after shifting: ", shiftDLL);// DoublyLinkedList {//   length: 1,//   head: Node { value: 'B', prev: null, next: null },//   tail: Node { value: 'B', prev: null, next: null }// }/////////////////////////// Testing DoublyLinkedList.get()console.log("-----------------------------------------------");console.log("Testing get(index)");const getDLL = new DoublyLinkedList();getDLL.push("A");getDLL.push("B");getDLL.push("C");console.log("getDLL.get(-1): ", getDLL.get(-1));// nullconsole.log("getDLL.get(0): ", getDLL.get(0));// Node {//   value: 'A',//   prev: null,//   next: Node {//     value: 'B',//     prev: [Circular],//     next: Node { value: 'C', prev: [Circular], next: null }//   }// }console.log("getDLL.get(1): ", getDLL.get(1));// Node {//   value: 'B',//   prev: Node { value: 'A', prev: null, next: [Circular] },//   next: Node { value: 'C', prev: [Circular], next: null }// }console.log("getDLL.get(2): ", getDLL.get(2));// Node {//   value: 'C',//   prev: Node {//     value: 'B',//     prev: Node { value: 'A', prev: null, next: [Circular] },//     next: [Circular]//   },//   next: null// }console.log("getDLL.get(3): ", getDLL.get(3));// null//////////////////////// Testing DoublyLinkedList.set(index, value)console.log("--------------------------------------");console.log("Testing set(index, value)");const setDLL = new DoublyLinkedList();setDLL.push("A");console.log("setDLL after pushing: ", setDLL);console.log("setDLL.set(-1, 'too low'): ", setDLL.set(-1, "too low"));// nullconsole.log("setDLL.set(0, 'Updated A')", setDLL.set(0, "Updated A"));// Node { value: 'Updated A', prev: null, next: null }console.log("setDLL.set(1, 'too high'): ", setDLL.set(1, 'too high'));// null///////////////////////// Testing DoublyLinkedList.insert(index, value)console.log("---------------------------------------------");console.log("Testing insert(index, value)");const insertDLL = new DoublyLinkedList();console.log("insertDLL.insert(-1, 'too low'): ", insertDLL.insert(-1, "too low"));// nullconsole.log("insertDLL.insert(0, 'at 0'): ", insertDLL.insert(0, 'at 0'));// Node { value: 'at 0', prev: null, next: null }console.log("insertDLL.insert(1, 'at 1'): ", insertDLL.insert(1, 'at 1'));// Node {//   value: 'at 1',//   prev: Node { value: 'at 0', prev: null, next: [Circular] },//   next: null// }console.log("insertDLL.insert(1, 'new at 1'): ", insertDLL.insert(1, 'new at 1'));// insertDLL.insert(1, 'new at 1'):  Node {//   value: 'new at 1',//   prev: Node { value: 'at 0', prev: null, next: [Circular] },//   next: Node { value: 'at 1', prev: [Circular], next: null }// }console.log("insertDLL after testing insertDLL.insert(index, value)", insertDLL);//////////////////////////////// Testing DoublyLinkedList.remove(index)console.log("-----------------------------------");console.log("Testing DoublyLinkedList.remove(index)");const removeDLL = new DoublyLinkedList();removeDLL.push("A");removeDLL.push("B");removeDLL.push("C");console.log("removeDLL.remove(-1): ", removeDLL.remove(-1));// nullconsole.log("removeDLL.remove(5): ", removeDLL.remove(5));// nullconsole.log("removeDLL.remove(0): ", removeDLL.remove(0));// Node { value: 'A', prev: null, next: null }console.log("removeDLL.remove(1): ", removeDLL.remove(1));// Node { value: 'C', prev: null, next: null }console.log("removeDLL after removing: ", removeDLL);// DoublyLinkedList {//   length: 1,//   head: Node { value: 'B', prev: null, next: null },//   tail: Node { value: 'B', prev: null, next: null }// }

I know it may be a lot, but here is the Github link where I uploaded it as well.

Implementing a full doubly linked list from scratch allowed me to understand how arrays work on a deeper level. Before, I always forgot the arguments for the splice function, and was even afraid to use it. But now that I know how to insert elements into the doubly linked list, I am more comfortable with the splice function. That probably was the hardest to wrap my head around for me.

Good luck, and stay safe during these times!

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Lawson Hung
Lawson Hung

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