Building My Portfolio Site with Bootstrap
I got around to building my portfolio site. In the past, all of my CSS was written from scratch. I wanted to try using a CSS library like Bootstrap this time.
This is my website currently:
I’m using Surge to host it right now since it’s free, though I may get a domain to make it seem a little bit more legitimate/professional, like or
The CSS I used to make the website is a hybrid of custom CSS and Bootstrap. For instance, the Navbar is from Bootstrap, but I had to import the icons on the right and align them to the right side of the Navbar.
Something else I’m struggling with is getting rid of the little black bar on the right, a native CSS to HTML pages. Also, my site’s styling doesn’t align correctly with other screen sizes yet. That’s something I’ll have to fix.
I really wish there were a way to get rid of any CSS that comes with HTML, just so I can start from scratch without having to manually get rid of any margins and fonts.
Stay safe during these times!